“Back when songs would take you on a journey, up hills, through valleys, around the block, down the alley, to the corner store and back to the mountain top and to the sky.”
- jeffreyhurst7231
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P.S. Do you know any tracks similar to this one? Let us know!
Their first three Cymande albums are essential masterpieces. Cymande and Osibisa are for African and Afro-Caribbean rock music what Santana is for Latin rock music. They shared it with the world and introduced it to an entirely new and much larger audience.
And this is a perfectly timed post. Cymande has just released a new album (with just two original members) and currently touring. I have tickets to see them on February 23. The documentary about them ('Getting It Back'), while not great, is also well worth watching. Much of its focus is on how their music influenced hip hop ('Bra' was and has been constantly sampled).
Mandrill - Fencewalk