May 21Liked by Songletter

The beat is not bad, but I really struggle with her voice and overall style.

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Thats interesting, Andres.

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Ditto. Thanks for saying that. I struggle because I keep feeling like I want to crank up the volume to max - to hear words. I appreciate the beat, the music and rhythm and atmospheric feeling of the music, but I tend to feel like it glosses over rather than saying something to me...each to their own, just never resonated much

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I agree with you Andres. Her singing is very hit and miss for me. But her brother’s music is great and his production skills are on point. Still on the fence about this album overall.

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In contrast, she strikes me as a sensitive singer restricted by a host of mechanisms, percussive and otherwise. I would like to hear her sing with a piano/bass/percussion trio of sensitive players in a nice room. If she has done this, let me know. And of course she will follow her muse, wherever it leads. As Cummings said “The artist’s own illimitable country is [her]self.”

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Quite clear version here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20iMzRklHNU

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To me, she’s one of the most (if not the most) overrated artists of her generation. Tecnically very weak (no resonance, poor enunciation, no power, always monotone) and her overall expression strikes me as fake (although I admit this last bit is purely subjective). She just doesn’t move me at all.

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May 21Liked by Songletter

Heck yeah!

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Loved it!

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