Jul 4Liked by Songletter

A lovely musical expression of joy and contentment. Like previous commenter, I plan on checking out more of this artists' work. Thanks for another wonderful recommendation 😊

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Jul 4Β·edited Jul 4Author

That's awesome, we're glad you found him!

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Discovery! I've saved the album to my library! I love the chilled vibe of Soft Power, listening to Future Sand now. Thanks @songletter

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Great, enjoy!

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Lovely song and album, thanks for sharing!

Just a reminder that songwhip will be disappearing in less than three weeks so you’ll need to look at another option for sharing to the streaming platforms.


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Jul 4Liked by Songletter

Thanks Songstar ! Again I’d have probably never heard this , what a great artist painting some peace for me with his music a sweet mix of tactile guitar & electronica ( I think )

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Ooops meant Songletter

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Thx Brian, enjoy the rest of the album!

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