Aug 9Liked by Songletter

Very much enjoying this Substack. The most exciting recent discovery is the collaboration between Johnny Greenwood of Radiohead and Dudu Tassa - an Israeli musician dong collaborations with Arabic musicians: https://youtu.be/6vs27UT4lsM?si=8hac8Xso3FhSH-UZ

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Aug 8Liked by Songletter

i like to hear this song always in summer:


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This is great, what a music video!

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I'm incapable of ignoring these questions when they pop up, even though (especially because?) this is literally what my newsletter is about, but here are a couple I don't think I've already mentioned elsewhere (and who have brand new releases):

Peel Dream Magazine https://open.spotify.com/album/7jcawCW4w3uZL4MdpY2YOG?si=dhTC1S53SnOFR-OSI37alg - takes me back to mid 2000s/early 2010s twinkly indie pop days. Kind of like the Boy Least Likely To or I'm From Barcelona.

Alex Izenberg https://open.spotify.com/album/3WzxlDLJxIRbVxWYRDITq8?si=FbhYXIHfQA6cLG2ra68s0Q - A little bit Donovan, a little bit Beatles, a little bit Fleet Foxes. I'm reminded of Andy Shauf, as far as more recent artists go, but it's kind of roots rock psychadelia, I guess? Not my usual cup of tea as a staunchly anti-folk girl, but I was very pleasantly surprised.

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Aug 8Liked by Songletter

Have a listen on this quite unknown track of an American standard:


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Aug 8Liked by Songletter

I'm sure no one needs to be told how good Orville Peck is, but this new one with Teddy Swims is killing in the best way possible: https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=IuxWkHnwZ-8&si=8jcKdBtTnq9tPUW4

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Cool, thank you!

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The Last Dinner Party - their debut album is one of the best I've ever heard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CE-JYq_tybM&pp=ygUpbGFzdCBkaW5uZXIgcGFydHkgcG9ydHJhaXQgb2YgYSBkZWFkIGdpcmw%3D

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Thank you

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a new classic as far as i'm concerned

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Aug 8Liked by Songletter

Jazz artists from the 60’s making music this century: Harold Mabern, Charles McPherson, George Coleman etc.

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Thank you

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Aug 8Liked by Songletter

How Deep is Your Love from PJ Morton and Yebba, I really like the cool and chill vibe of it !


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Aug 8Liked by Songletter

The The, "Uncertain Smile".

Not recent by a long shot BUT when I first heard it around '84, I was so blown away and still feel elated every time I listen to it. The music, lyrics and especially the piano by Jools Holland, absolutely SOAR and fill me with joy.

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my love for the the knows no earthly bounds

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Aug 9Liked by Songletter

Very much enjoying this Substack. The most exciting recent discovery is the collaboration between Johnny Greenwood of Radiohead and Dudu Tassa - an Israeli musician dong collaborations with Arabic musicians: https://youtu.be/6vs27UT4lsM?si=8hac8Xso3FhSH-UZ

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Oh I will definitely check this out!!! Thanks :-)

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Thank you!

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8Liked by Songletter

I recently ran across this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nf4IabkxirQ

Strongboi - fool around

And this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8l_WwM7lKeU

Damien Jurado - Over Rainbows and Rainier

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strongboi is one of my recent discoveries too and i'm really into it! reminds me of pearl & the oysters

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Thank you!

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Aug 8Liked by Songletter

Love this song: Axel Boman "Eyes of My Mind". Came on randomly while my extended family was in town visiting. It even caused my 19 year old nephew to prick up his ears! He texted me the next week for the title and info.


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Interesting! Thx

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Aug 24Liked by Songletter

Embrace - Navjaxx https://open.spotify.com/album/1tcnrZOZ99QwdHwNqhMvpF?si=hY46x1SPSE69u4LryU7EHw

On repeat until I heard ATOEM from Songletter!

I heard the sped up version first and now love the Slowed version

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